Archive of ‘Jersey City Families’ category

6th Borough Market: Sunday 11/17/13

6th Borough Nov


This Sunday marks the second-to-last 6th Borough Market, which boasts tons of unique vendors. Think quality homemade and vintage goods, gift items, jewelry, stuff for kids, beauty and bath treats, and then of course kids’ activities and food.

The outdoor family-friendly market is located at 1 McWilliams Place (Hamilton Park) from 11am-4pm.

Whet your holiday purchasing palette here.


Shop locally,

Saturday 11/16/13: Fall Planting and Cleanup


Jersey City Paulus Hook residents: Come on out on Saturday, November 16th to plant some bulbs, clean up your street and meet your neighbors.

It all starts at Paulus Hook Park (On Washington and Grand) at 10am. Bring rakes, gloves, spades and brooms. Children are welcome, too.

Raindate: November 23rd


Let’s keep it clean and green JC,

Poetry Reading: Saturday 11/16/13


The Red Wheelbarrow poets are all reading from their latest book, “The Red Wheelbarrow Volume #6,” this Saturday, November 16th at Tachair Bookshoppe (260 Newark Ave. by Monmouth Ave.) at 4pm. Literature lovers, you won’t want to miss this event.

The Red Wheelbarrow group meets for writing workshops in Rutherford, the hometown of William Carlos Williams (author of “The Red Wheelbarrow”), and periodically publish an anthology of their collective work. After the poetry reading, there will be a book signing and open-mic session.

“Tachair,” Jersey City’s only independent bookstore, derived its name from a Scottish-Gaelic word meaning “to meet.” The family-owned business uses their space to encourage education and community gatherings over conversation, creativity and the arts. They sell not only new and used books, as well as art from local artists. Tachair also has a cafe to promote the connectivity among people of all ages and walks of life that co-exist in our diverse city.

FB info here.


Read, live and learn locally,

Not Yo Mama’s Parks & Crafts 11/2/13


This Saturday is the last of the year’s Not Yo Mama’s Parks & Crafts affair.

There will be unique vendors (think crafty things like homemade beauty products, one-of-a-kind jewelry, stationery, all-natural candles, handmade baby products and leather goods), and live music 11am-4pm at Van Vorst Park. Fun for the whole family!

Vendors interested in selling? Click here.


Ice Rink Opens Tonight! 11/1/13


Pershing Field’s Charlie Heger Ice-Skating Rink (807 Summit Ave.) officially opens for the season tonight. Opening Ceremony is at 5pm, and the ice will be open for free skate until 10pm. Plus, skating is free in another way—free admission and free skate rentals this evening. Woo-hoo!

The recently renovated rink will have increased public ice time this season, as well as a Learn To Skate program for children and adults under Mayor Fulop’s plans to expand the city’s recreational offerings and encourage community participation.

Break the ice,

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