Creative Grove Art Market Visit the Grove Street PATH area to check out local art, jewelry and other crafts. 3pm-9pm.
THEATER: F.I.T.R. presents ‘The Pillowman at Barrow Street Mansion (83 Wayne St.) 7pm $25 per person with complimentary beer and wine. Buy tickets here.
Saturday 5/25/13:
Lightning Liberty 5k run begins at 8:15am. Sign up here.
Van Vorst Farmer’s Market Stop by Van Vorst Park (Montgomery St. & Jersey Ave.) from 8:30am-3pm to gather all of your local produce.
Ed’s Exchange Merchant Market Shop the flea or sell your own goods. 10am-6pm at McGinley Square (672 Bergen Ave.) Tables are $10-20.
Green Villian is hosting a festival at the Lafayette Community Garden (314 Pacific Ave.) at 12pm. Live music. Admission is $20.
Lucky 7 Tavern (322 2nd St.) and the Lamp Post Bar & Grill both have live bands from 9pm and 10pm on, respectively.

Sunday 5/26/13
Farmer’s Market at Riverview Fisk Park. Buy farm-fresh produce and unique local goods from 9am-2pm. (Ogden Ave. & Bowers St.) Details here.
Hatha Style Yoga From 9:30am – 11am at 54 Coles St. Suggested donation of $10.
St. Mary’s Church, Resurrection Parish (254 Second St.) is having their annual Santacruzan and Flores de Mayo Festival. Mass will be at 2pm, followed by a procession and a street fair (Second St. between Erie & Marin) with artists from The Filipino Channel (TFC) performing.
Monday 5/27/13
The Lafayette Amvets Post 33 will hold a Memorial Day Parade which will kick off at 9:30am at Pacific and Bramhall avenues
Honoring Our Heroes: Military and Musical Tribute will be hosted at The Historic Jersey City & Harsimus Cemetery (435 Newark Ave.)
Happy MDW!
Let me know what you did this weekend: tweet @jerseycitygia or email me