Heaven forbid you have to suffer.
Sometimes—no—all of the time with age, we just can’t handle what we used to drink in handles.
SO, I choose to not over-do it at night because I hate ruining my next day.
But during my happy days at a (no liquor license) fancy coffee cafe last year, a guy asked me what else would cure his day-after disaster other than his coffee and big gourmet breakfast.
Let me tell you: Not much, so don’t party hardy in the first place unless you’re prepared to reap a day of shit. But that’s the older me speaking, and let’s be honest: Every older person parties and we still make the same mistakes. We think we’re good—but wake up and nah, we’re effin not so much.
I gave him a few quick tips, but I really thought about it later.
Because everyone can always use more advice on how to party and not suffer consequences, please add your tips in the comment section.
Here are mine:
*First, OD on water. It will flush your body of toxins and help things repair faster (like your liver). If this is the only thing you can do, it’s also the most important thing you can do.
*If you had a sleepover, morning sex helps by releasing endorphins (your natural painkiller), which kill the headache and help you sweat out the toxins.
*Take a shot of B-vitamins intravaneously like the stars! Or vape them. Or simply just take some orally. No judgment.
*Blue-green algae with tons of vitamins is amaze. Find it all in GT’s multi-green bottled kombacha tea. Tastes oh-so-nasty but so worth the swallow instead of feeling less than stellar. And it has trace amounts of alcohol so that may be the wise woman’s hair of the dog.
*Replenish your electrolytes with Pedialite, Gatorade, and even—someone just informed me—pickle juice.
*Two liquigel Advils or three of the regular kind work wonders.
*Alka-Seltzer, yes that old people stuff, can be amaze.
*Pizza seems to absorb and heal better than breakfast foods in my experience, but only treat yourself to the best, top quality-ingredient slice.
*Or don’t eat at all. Just drink all of your fluids, flush the poison out and sleep. Your system is already working hard enough. Assist it along and give it a break so it can break down your wild night.
Choose your own ending:
*Sleep as many hours as you can. Only get out of bed to heavily hydrate and use the loo.
*Move on with your day. Drink some coffee if you feel you need it. And carve out some time for a nap. 🙂
To a healthy 2017!
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