My Favorite Things: Holiday Edition 2020

Bringing people, places and events to life
On Sunday, May 7th, Harsimus Cove is hosting their first neighborhood-wide stoop sale. And it will be big – over 30 households are participating.
Even better, a portion of earnings are being donated to the Church World Service to help refugee families in Jersey City. So you can get a little something while giving a little something back to the community.
Check it out from 10am-4pm. More details here.
Shop [very] local for a great cause = win//win!
I heart the 6th Borough Market—and it’s back today! Take a walk behind City Hall (Montgonmery St. and Marin Blvd.) between 11am and 5pm to soak in the unique offerings and handcrafted items. There is nothing like shopping local.
Click below to see pics & purchases from my last visit…
RoP, or Republic of Pigtails is the go-to for high-end, affordable hair pieces and accessories. (I’m sporting my fascinator on the left in this photo).
In celebration of their 3-year birthday (and we know how much of a milestone that is for small businesses), they are celebrating with a special 30% off offer.
Go to RoP’s site and type in “BIRTHDAY15” for the discount code at checkout.
It’s that time of year where we welcome the most amazing annual flea market ever, that of Jersey City’s Riverview-Fisk Park. This year already boasts over 100 vendors (including me).
Free zumba? 10:15 am
Free yoga? 11am
Children’s activities? ?
Additionally, there will be live music from JC’s favorite bands throughout the day (line-up tbd).
Tables are still available if you’re interested in vending. Click here to sign up.
Stop, shop and roll anytime between 10am and 5pm. FB info.