Maid Comfy: Household Cleaning Tips!

maid comfy

Who has the time and energy to keep up with household cleaning unless its your profession?

I am obsessed with cleaning and sometimes feel like its all I do, only to find some dust  the next day. That damn dust.

I am always looking for ways to be more proficient and smarter and faster with my cleaning.

I research cleaning methods a lot. And I found a cool man, Abu Bah, who runs NJ cleaning service MaidComfy and blogs about our cleaning crises. Here are his 5 Basic Tips for Reorganizing the Home and Simplifying Life

Tip #1 – Start With Clearing out the Clutter

Though most people may not realize it, lots of clutter can affect virtually every part of an individual’s life.

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From taking more time to sort through a pile of clothes to find some thing to wear for work or school to taking more time clean a room in the home, clutter itself is a big cause of time being wasted. Therefore, when you’re interested in simplifying your lifestyle, you should start by clearing out the clutter.

To make sure you know what to throw away, you may need a definition of clutter. Clutter can be defined in many ways. One of the most beneficial is any unnecessary item that uses up space in the home. Which means, when you find clothing that you haven’t worn in 2 to 3 years or more, shoes that are beyond repair, and items in the home that cannot be used for any reason, it’s important for you to mark these items as clutter and then throw them in the bin that is marked as such.

Tip #2 – Organize One Room at a Time

After you’ve gone through all of the clutter in the home that you won’t need any longer, it’s important for you to begin organizing everything by one room at a time. The initial home organization may take a little time and effort to complete because everything must have a specific place for storage. However, it will be well worth the time spent in the long run. For instance, if you’re organizing an office in your home, you may need to re-organize the file cabin so that all of your business information can be placed in it properly. In some cases, you may also need to purchase color coded files so that all different types of paperwork will have an individualized file to accommodate the need.

Regardless to the room that you may be working in, everything that is placed in the room must have a specific place for the item to be stored. Once the room is completely organized, you can move on to the next one on the list.

Tip #3 -Develop a Plan of Action to Organize the Closets

Some people keep their closets packed from the bottom to the top with clothes that they have had since they were in the early teens. Since they do not like to throw anything away, the closet is always stuffed with so much clothing until it’s difficult to get dressed in the morning and the afternoon. Which means, anytime that they are preparing to go anyplace it may take them most of the day to find an outfit that they want to wear. Because some people form these habits over the course of many years, they may not recognize that they have created unnecessary problems for themselves.

To simplify their lives in this case, it’s important for them to have a planned course of action. One of which will provide them with a strategic way to get rid of clothing items that they cannot wear, and will help them with organizing what’s left. For instance, the organization of a closet may consists of the following guidelines:

– Take out every item.

– Look at every item individually to see if it should be kept or discarded (i.e. thrown away or donated to


– Only keep enough T-shirts that fit into one drawer. All overflows should be removed.

– Limit number of hangers to those that will fit into that closet and keep it to this minimum for the future.

Tip #4- Reorganize the Furniture – Making it Functional

In the past, people designed their rooms in their homes according to traditional decor guidelines. This meant, most bedrooms normally consisted of a bed and a headboard, dresser and mirror and one or two night stands being placed in the room. While this floor plan for bedroom furniture is all right for those who prefer it, it doesn’t have to be the norm for people like us who want to simplify their lives. Instead, you may design a room in the most functional way possible. For instance, if you decide to make life much simpler, you may only leave the bed and the dresser with the mirror in the room, especially if you feel that this is all that’s really needed to live comfortably from day to day.

Further, the same design is true for other rooms in the home as well. Specifically, in cases where the main objective is to make the home livable, and simple to clean and maintain. In short, this is more of a minimalist way of living instead of traditional decor designs.

Tip #5 – Make Organization an Ongoing Habit for the Entire Family

Some people are not organized by nature so they may have a difficult time getting their organization skills together. However, by doing these little room by room projects, people will find that it’s a great way to understand how this process should be done. This means, you should make sure that you’re taking your time when you’re organizing closets, kitchen cabinets, laundry rooms and the like.

This said, when the family takes the time and effort to do it right the first time, everyone will begin to develop a habit of organizing everything. Once complete, it’s important for everyone to continue this process on an ongoing basis. In fact, this is also the only way to maintain the organization and avoid going back into the old way of storing things that you really don’t need any longer.

Read more useful tips and book your appointment here.

To a happy, clean home,

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